$1,500.00 USD

2 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Thank you for your interest in consulting services to assist you in assessing and improving your client intake experience. This letter is intended to memorialize the terms of the agreement and understanding of the services between you and JenLee Ventures, Inc. for the consulting services we will perform.

Scope and Term of Services
: You are hiring us for one-on-one consulting on improving your client intake and experience with your firm. The agreement includes four (4) weeks of consulting
services outlined in the attached weekly breakout. Upon signing and payment, we will schedule the initial call and discuss the assessment meeting for Week 1 and proceed from there. This engagement also includes access to the work product, notes, and any videos we create as part of the process through your private client portal.

Fees: The fee for this engagement is $3,000, with half due at the time of signing and half due upon completion of Week 4. The fee is nonrefundable and reserves the time allocated to one-
on-one consulting for the duration of the agreement.

Personnel: Jen Lee will provide all one-on-one consulting services under this agreement.

Confidentiality: Each party shall receive in confidence from the other party and treat as confidential all technical information, business/financial information, management information,
and documentation which (i) is stamped or otherwise marked as being confidential or proprietary, whether in written or electronic form, (ii) pertains in any way to such party’s
business plans or methods, or (iii) otherwise is not generally known by others, and under the circumstances of the disclosure, the disclosing party had a reasonable expectation that the
receiving party would know that the information is confidential or proprietary.

Process: Upon signing and payment, we will schedule an initial phone call (or email) to go over dates for appointments, review the outline of topics to cover, and discuss additional topics that
may be helpful. This initial call to schedule is not one of the scheduled consulting sessions and generally takes about 30 minutes. Flexibility is a key component of the one-to-one consulting, so our discussion will involve timing of appointments, length of appointments, and how we want to make changes, if necessary.

Duration: This agreement covers four (4) weeks from the date of the assessment meeting. Additional services may be added during that time, as needed or requested. Upon completion of this agreement, the parties can choose to renew or develop an ongoing consulting agreement for additional training, questions, and process review.

Effective Date: Please confirm that this letter accurately reflects our agreement. The agreement takes effect upon signing and receipt of payment.

If you have any questions concerning the provisions of the Agreement, please do not hesitate to call me. We look forward to working with you.

Jen Lee, CEO
JenLee Ventures, Inc.

Perception vs. Reality: Assessing the Intake Experience

For this project, we will go through your client intake experience from start to finish, including a detailed log of engagement, questions that arise, discomforts in the process, and usability. We will identify breakdowns in the process, with suggestions for help functions, videos, and other ways to improve how the client perceives the intake process with your firm. The final product for this project is a detailed report of the reality of the client experience currently, with recommendations for model changes, help features, and technology automations to create an amazing client intake experience.

The Schedule:

  • Initial planning call with develop the timeline for the project, including scheduling the assessment and follow-up calls (30 minutes, virtual).

  • Zoom meeting with key stakeholders to review perceived concerns (1 hour, virtual).

  • Assessment of the client intake experience from initial contact to retained or abandoned (approximately two weeks).

  • Follow-up meeting to ask any questions and confirm if the perceived concerns are true and other identified issues (1 hour, virtual)

  • Final report in writing issued, including recommendations and resources for implementation.
[ You must agree to the terms and conditions at checkout in order to proceed with this consultation agreement. 50% of the total fee is due immediately and the other 50% will be processed in 4 weeks. ]