Stop! Are You Overwhelmed with Tasks That Steal Your Focus from What Truly Matters?

Ditch the stress and reclaim your peace of mind with Legal Leverage: Virtual Assistant Delegation and Efficiency. This course is a lifeline for legal professionals bogged down by the minutiae of daily tasks that could be efficiently managed by a virtual assistant. If you're ready to break free from the grind but feel unprepared or hesitant to hire help, you're in the right place.

Get Started!

Why did we create this course for lawyers?

In the high-stakes world of law, many attorneys find themselves mired in stress, hesitating to delegate due to fears of losing control over quality and confidentiality. As a successful lawyer/Virtual Assistant team, we specifically designed this course to address these concerns, offering practical solutions to the procrastination and overwhelm that diminish your effectiveness. This course empowers you to embrace change confidently, ensuring that you can harness the benefits of virtual assistants to streamline operations, reduce stress, and focus more on what you do best—practicing law.

Does this sound like you?
If so, this course is for you!

The Overwhelmed Solo Practitioner

You're a solo practitioner juggling client meetings, court appearances, and endless paperwork. Despite long hours, your to-do list keeps growing, and you find yourself handling tasks that don't necessarily require a law degree—like scheduling, billing, or basic client communications. The thought of hiring help feels daunting because you worry about the cost and the confidentiality risks.

The Ambitious Firm Partner.

As a partner in a busy law firm, you aim to expand your client base and increase billable hours, but administrative tasks constantly pull you away from these goals. You know that delegating could help, but past attempts have left you frustrated with the quality of work. You're looking for a reliable way to manage delegation that ensures your high standards are met without micromanaging every detail.

The Tech-Savvy Newcomer

You're relatively new to practicing law and eager to build a modern, efficient practice. You're comfortable with technology and open to innovation but find it challenging to integrate virtual assistance effectively while ensuring your practice remains secure and compliant with all legal standards. You need guidance on how to leverage technology to handle repetitive tasks so you can focus more on your legal work and less on operational logistics.

What's Covered in the Course



 This is a chance to meet us and get oriented with the learning platform so you have the most successful course-taking experience possible.

Virtual Assistant Does Not Equal Employee

Virtual Assistants are there to uplevel your practice through their expertise. They are a collaborative partner more so than an employee and it is important to know the difference.

Finding VA Candidates

There are several ways you can find a VA. In this module, we discuss the various ways, proper expectations, and prepping for the process.

Selecting & Hiring Process

Determining the best fit for the job and team from the initial discovery call to contracting and hiring.


As a collaborative effort, both of you may have different ways of managing the work. In this module, we work through onboarding, efficiencies, and workflow.

Developing Your Training Plan

How do you even get started? Are you scared of wasting time? This module will help prep you for the training of your new VA.

Biggest Fears Unlocked

This one might be scary, but we promise by the end we can help you protect your client information, practice, and more!

That's a Wrap!

You did it! With everything you learned in this course you should be confident and ready to hire a VA for your practice.

Things you should know before you sign up!

Meet the Instructors


Jen Lee AKA Rebel Esquire

Once a mild-mannered attorney, now the superhero for lawyers intent on transforming an industry resistant to change. She is redefining the practice of law through innovation, accessibility, and a bold departure from the status quo. Jen is the owner of Lawyer Success Network® and host of the Rebel Esquire™ podcast.

Jen Lee
Jen Lee

Laura Parsons

Laura helps idea-driven professionals thrive in the online digital jungle. With a knack for website building, social media, course creation, and more, Laura is the go-to guru for all things digital. She is the behind-the-scenes hero making your business ideas come to life.

Legal Leverage

Presale $597

Reg. $997

  • Self-paced course
  • Worksheets to assist you in hiring a virtual assistant
  • Checklists to keep yourself on task during the hiring process
  • Inside knowledge on how to have a successful VA working relationship
  • and more!

Presale discount ends soon!